Call Me Pretty
Call Me Pretty Sleep
Never, never, never sleep with any pressure on your face.

You might think "Why do I need to have someone tell me how to sleep?" Well, I thought the same way until, at 28 years of age, I saw little lines on the side of my face right above my eyes. I could not figure out how they got there or how to make them go away.

One day, while watching tv, I saw an information spot which stated that if you want to avoid wrinkles on your face, NEVER sleep on your stomach. That was the worst news that I had ever heard. I loved to sleep on my stomach. I had no idea what I was going to do about how I was going to sleep.</p>
<p>After considering my choices, I decided for the sake of my face and to avoid wrinkles, I was willing to learn how to sleep differently. From that point on, I began sleeping on my back and my sides, being very careful not to put any pressure on my face from the pillows, blankets or mattress. As a result of these changes to my sleep habits, the wrinkles on my face went away. To this day 24 years later, I do not have any visible signs of wrinkles anywhere on my face.

There is one other point to make about how you sleep. Sometimes you may be so tired that you can&rsquo;t really drift off so you may tend to squint your eyes or force them shut thinking that this may bring on that deep sleep that you so desperately need. Unfortunately, all this does is cause you to have more wrinkles around your eyes. The best thing to do when you feel that you are forcing your eyes shut is just relax. This is something that takes a lot of practice to perfect. You have to be conscious enough to know that it is actually happening until you will eventually fall asleep. I know this sounds crazy, but when you put internal stress around your eyes at night, you will see the results the very next day. Have you ever had someone tell you how tired you look? And to think you felt as though you really had a restful sleep. It always shows around your eyes. Remember relax, just relax. Amazing, huh? Try it and you too will see the amazing results!

Sometimes, as we age, it doesn't matter what you try to do on your own you can't get a good night sleep. The bottom line is you have to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night or no matter what you read here, it isn't going to work. No only does your body need that much rest to regenerate itself it is going to show all over your face and it will eventually effect your health. Ask your Dr. they will tell you the same thing. If you do decide to take some form of additional sleep aide I would not advise the use sleeping pills. Most of them are addicting no matter how low the dosage may be. You should take something that your body produces naturally, for instance melatonin. Our bodies has melatonin, but as we age our level decreases tremendously. I personally take a supplement by It works called "A New You 3.0" This is product allows you to increase your body's muscle mass, memory, and aide in having a good night sleep. It just replaces things in your body that is noramlly produced naturally, but again is reduced as we age.I feel these two products are the best alternatives, but always, always, always consult with your Dr. first. Sweet dreams!!!!!

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Call Me Pretty